ShareFile API FAQ
Does my account support the API?
If you have an active ShareFile account then you may use the API.
Does your API support my programming language?
If your language is able to send HTTP requests and receive HTTP response, then yes. This isn't a problem for modern languages.
Is there any rate limiting or throttling of API request?
Excessive usage of the API will be curtailed programmatically. If you believe this will impact your application, please contact us for further information.
Are ShareFile IDs unique and persistent?
Yes and yes. Every item in the ShareFile system has a 36-character immutable identifier in GUID format. These identifiers remain constant for the lifetime of an item. Renaming a file or folder will not change its ID. Uploading a new version of a file creates a new object with a new ID.
How do I add or update objects in ShareFile?
The ShareFile v3 API uses standard HTTP verbs, POST and PATCH to create and update objects. The object data should be JSON encoded in the request body. You also need to set the Content-Type header to application/json. For example, the request body to create a User with Email, FirstName, LastName, Company would look like:
When I use the DELETE verb to remove an object, I'm not getting a response back.
Delete operations can be considered to have completed successfully when the API returns an HTTP 204 - No Content response. Unlike a create operation, where the new object can be returned, a delete operation doesn't have anything to return to you. If there was an issue, for instance the object could not be found your will receive an appropriate HTTP response.
I'm running into CORS issues when making API requests to ShareFile from my client-side code
Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that may prevent you from making http request to a domain that is different from your website. To solve CORS restrictions you must add your site to the list of trusted domains for your account, which you can do with the following API call:
The domains are provided as a list in a single string. You can add as many domains as you'd like, as long as the entire string value does not exceed 512 characters in length.
Be aware that the PATCH request will overwrite the existing string value; to add to an existing list, change the request from a PATCH to a GET to retrieve the existing list for
your account, append the new values, and send the PATCH request.
If CORS issues persist, feel free to post in our developers' forum.
How do I migrate the API from V1 to V3?
V1 - V3 migration guide along with endpoints mapping can be found here.
But you still haven't answered MY question.
For additional support or questions you can post in our developers' forum.